New Adventures for a New Year

Well, 2012 has come and gone and let me say that it went quite differently than we thought it would.  The first half was pretty normal.  I was pregnant and due to give birth in May.  We completed our school about 2 weeks before Cordelia Abigail was born.  Then we took off till July.

We started back again and then an unexpected health crisis hit me.  I wound up being in the hospital for 6 days and had a minor/major surgery.   Add to that recovery time and taking care of 4 kids (1 who is nursing).

School has been covering basic subjects.  November was illness time, then break for Thanksgiving.  Then some more school and now we are breaking for Christmas & New Years.

2013 is a year of new things for us.  I have a goal to run a 5k in the late summer.  Run For Your Lives is my goal!  8/3/13.  :)  Can't wait.  I am not even waiting to start training.

We are also a part of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew!  I am SO excited!  We get to try new curriculum and share our experiences with it for other homeschooling families to be able to read!  We have been homeschooling for 6 years now and have tried many different things.  This is going to be an awesome thing for our family!  :)

So a lot to look forward to this year.  May the upcoming year be a good one for you too.


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